British Greyhound Racing Fund receives voluntary contributions from bookmakers who offer greyhound bets in the UK retail sector and UK-facing online sector. It supports licensed greyhound racing in Britain as regulated by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB).
BGRF grant-making focuses on the welfare of the racing greyhound and also supports integrity measures at the stadia to that end. We cover development and promotion of the sport to a lesser extent with the intention of making the sport a welfare-oriented and attractive experience for the public, hosted by the individual greyhound stadia.
The Fund works closely with the GBGB which is the regulator and executive authority. In the financial year 2022-23, £7.6m was collected from bookmakers' voluntary contributions.
Bookmakers pay a voluntary 0.6% of their greyhound turnover to the BGRF under the current retail agreement with the Betting and Gaming Council (BGC). The majority of all major UK-facing online businesses have signed up to a voluntary Memorandum of Understanding and are making contributions on the same basis, with equivalent rates calculated for matched and tote betting. The BGC recommends to its members that they support the BGRF and we are grateful for their endorsement.
A full list of current contributing bookmakers can be viewed here. For those bookmakers, retail or online, who are not currently contributing to the BGRF, we provide information on how to do so here.
Since its inception in 1992 the BGRF has understood the importance of accountability and transparency and each year we are independently audited by a leading firm of accountants who specialise in sporting and not-for-profit bodies (Haysmacintyre LLP).
You will find details on this site of how our income during the last financial year was spent: please click on the buttons at the top of this page to look at areas which interest you. For a copy of our 2022-23 Report & Accounts, which gives full financial details, please click here to download a PDF version, or select earlier years from our archive.
BGRF is a non-statutory not-for-profit organisation.